Type Soul Codes: Type Soul is basically an adventure game on Roblox inspired by the Bleach anime.
Customize your character, explore a detailed and expansive world, and conquer a complex combat system that offers a challenging yet rewarding experience as you face off against other players.
Combat in Type Soul can be challenging, especially when going up against players with higher ranks, and you’ll likely find yourself losing often as you refine your skills.
Thankfully, you can always redeem Type Soul codes for free bonuses like Locked Element Rerolls, Locked Weapon Rerolls, and Locked Clan Rerolls. These rewards allow you to adjust your character’s setup and help you better prepare for those difficult battles you’re having trouble with.
Type Soul’s development team typically shares codes on the official Discord server, but we’ve put together a list of both current and expired codes for you right here, so you can jump back into the game.
We’ve also included a guide on how to redeem codes in Type Soul if you’re not sure how to do it.
All working Type Soul Codes
- yessirupdatetime: 50 Locked Element Reroll, 40 Locked Weapon Reroll, 25 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 15 Spirit Box, 3 Blue Elixir, 3 Red Elixir, 2 Hierro Plating
- wheresmybuddy: 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 25 Locked Element Reroll, 20 Eyes Reroll, 20 Eye Color Reroll, 15 Clan Reroll, 1 Locked Soul Ticket, 1 Locked Weapon Ticket
- whenwedance: 30 Locked Element Reroll, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 20 Locked Clan Reroll, 1 Locked World Ticket
- reallycoolcodehaha: 75 Face Reroll, 65 Eyes Reroll, 65 Eye Color Reroll, 50 Locked Element Reroll, 45 Locked Weapon Reroll, 20 Hollow Box, 15 Spirit Box, 10 Hair Shade Reroll, 2 Locked World Ticket
- mythoughtsonthislater: 1 Mark of the Dead (Body), 1 Soulfire Halo, 1 Spectral Crown, 1 Mark of the Dead (Legs)
- quickcodeforcodesocodeyescodehowcodewithcode: 35 Face Reroll, 35 Eye Color Reroll, 30 Mouth Reroll, 25 Locked Element Reroll, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 25 Hollow Box, 25 Spirit Box, 15 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 2 Blue Elixir, 2 Red Elixir, 1 Locked Soul Ticket, 1 Locked World Ticket
- gutteddodgevariantgobrrr: 40 Locked Weapon Reroll, 40 Locked Element Reroll, 10 Vastocar/Visored Variant Reroll
- flowerfinally: 50 Locked Element Reroll, 35 Locked Weapon Reroll
- no1amupdate: 25 Locked Element Reroll, 25 Locked Clan Reroll, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 1 Locked World Ticket
- miniupdatewowawesome: 40 Locked Element Reroll, 30 Locked Weapon Reroll, 25 Appearance Reroll, 25 Hollow Box, 20 Eyes Reroll, 20 Eyecolor Reroll, 1 Soul Ticket
- youaremyspecialbuddy: 15 Locked Clan Reroll, 2 Blue Elixir, 1 Purple Elixir, 1 Purple Elixir, 35 Mouth Reroll, 15 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 30 Locked Weapon Reroll, 25 Eyes Reroll, 30 Face Reroll, 1 Black Elixir, 5 Shinigami Gehenna Beads, 25 Eyecolor Reroll, 30 Locked Element Reroll, 2 Red Elixir, 1 Skill Box Chooser
- didntyousaynoupdtonight: 10 Spirit Box, 25 Face Reroll, 25 Mouth Reroll, 2 Locked World Ticket, 20 Locked Clan Reroll, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 5 Star Pendant, 2 Hierro Plating, 20 Locked Clan Reroll, 15 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 5 Arrancar Gehenna Beads, 20 Eyes Reroll, 10 Hollow Box, 25 Eyecolor Reroll
- wasitworthit: 10 Locked Clan Reroll, 5 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 15 Locked Weapon Reroll, 15 Locked Element Reroll
- ohioframesperskibidi: 40 Locked Element Reroll, 5 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 5 Locked Clan Reroll, 1 Purple Elixir, 20 Eyecolor Reroll, 15 Locked Weapon Reroll, 25 Eyes Reroll, 2 Locked World Ticket
- spendingthanksgivingontype: 5 Spirit Box, 15 Locked Clan Reroll, 10 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 5 Hollow Box, 25 Face Reroll, 5 Hit/Handle Reroll, 15 Mask Reroll, 2 Locked World Ticket, 5 Innerworld Reroll, 30 Locked Weapon Reroll, 20 Eyes Reroll, 5 Cybernetics Rox, 25 Marking Reroll, 15 Sword Color Reroll, 10 Shikai Callout Reroll, 50 Locked Element Reroll, 1 Soul Ticket
- whocareswhatthenameis: 1 Shinigami Beads
- mahoragathosewhoknow: 20 Mask Reroll, 1 Locked World Ticket, 25 Face Reroll, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 15 Eye Reroll, 5 Mini Qincy Hat, 10 Hollow Boxes, 15 Locked Clan Reroll, 10 Spirit Box, 20 Eyecolor Reroll, 25 Locked Element Reroll
- 8by2typejole: 2 Locked Blue Elixir, 15 Mouth Reroll, 20 Eyes Reroll, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 1 Purple Elixir, 5 Locked Buddy Trait Reroll, 2 Hierro Plating, 10 Hollow Box, 2 Red Elixir, 2 Skill Box Chooser, 30 Locked Element Reroll, 15 Locked Clan Reroll, 20 Face Reroll, 10 Mask Reroll, 10 Spirit Box, 10 Locked World Ticket
All Expired Type Soul Codes
weareback, watermelon, updatecomingsoon, tyforfollows, triplethreat, tradehub, thehonoredone, tamaiscool, sorryforthat, sorryforshutdown, sorryfordelays, soonupdates, slowpace, shutdownsrry, shikaireroll, segundanextupdate, resetclan, newgame, newcodeoldbugged, newclanwargame, newclangamesoon, midtermsover, middayfixes, mainmenufixes latenightupdate, haveagoodday, happyhalloween, fixedoldcode, eduardobrg, contentcoming, clanwarupdate, higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswell, noreallythanksfor500m, 500mvisitsthankyou, oopswandenexploded, higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswell, 700kwoahthanks, sozforbrick, anotherbrickedshutdown
How to Redeem Type Soul Codes?
- Open Type Soul in Roblox.
- If you haven’t done so yet, click ‘Play,’ choose your slot, and create your character.
- Ensure you’ve reached at least Semi-Grade 2, as you won’t be able to redeem codes until you hit this rank.
- Once you’re in the game, tap the gift box icon in the top-left corner of your screen to redeem codes

- Input the code in the box that appears and hit enter to activate it

Bek Ibragimov, a key member of the Game Walt team since its inception, dedicated 12 years to the publication. He’s responsible for coordinating site content, and managing social media.